I saw this yesterday in the middle of fixing dinner. (sorry I don't know why the photo is sideways - pretend it's horizontal) For a second I wasn't quite sure what I was seeing. That bright spot on the floor was, momentarily, unfamiliar to me. So I stopped what I was doing and just goggled at it. Tim stepped into the kitchen and saw me starring quizzically at the floor. He stopped. "Are you looking for something?" he asked. I pointed to the bright spot and said, "I think it's called sunshine?" We both chuckled and went on with what we were doing.
But in all honesty, it's been awhile. We have been quite spoiled. Florida is not called "The Sunshine State' for nothin' y'know. But the past, what? Three weeks I think? It has been rain, rain, rain, oh yeah, and rain. That sudden burst of sunshine was a lovely change of pace. I am fortunate that, for the most part, weather doesn't affect me emotionally. S.A.D. or Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing and my heart goes out to those who suffer it. I think the worst that happens to me is on rainy days I get sleepy. I believe that it's the darkness and the lulling rhythm of the sound that makes me just want to curl up on the sofa with a good book and....drift...off...to... No wait! It's sunny today. Stop that! Okay I'm fine now. I've dealt with far worse weather. In New England for example, gloom, rain, snow, more gloom, a glimpse of sun and then rain, snow, sleet, hail, ice, more snow and gloom seems to be the norm from fall through spring and then the sun showed it's pretty face again. And I dearly loved New England when I lived there, but facts are facts. There are not a ton of sunny days for far too much of the time up there. I remember one time, walking down a street with some friends when I was in college. It was winter time and we were all bundled against the frigid temperatures. We were talking and laughing and having a good time despite the dreary weather when abruptly, the sun broke through the clouds and we all stopped in our tracks. Just complete halt. We looked up at the sky. Nobody spoke. And then one of the jokers in the group stage whispers, "What is that ball of fire in the sky?" Kind of like that. Okay, it's not quite THAT bad, though that was a true story, but there were times when it felt like it. Of course others have it far worse. I've never lived in Alaska, but I understand that if you go far enough north in that snowy state, their year is divided into sun and darkness. In Fairbanks you can enjoy 22 hours of daylight in every 24 hour period in summer. Of course on balance, in a Barrow, Alaska winter, the residents don't see the sun for 67 days. In A Row! Hats off to those Rugged Alaskans who are prepared for almost anything! Probably the closest thing we have to modern day pioneers. As much as I can roll with most of what life has to offer, I think that unless I absolutely had to, I would say no thank you to that. Well and the snow. I'm over snow. I do not miss it one iota. I think Tim does a little bit in the winter time. But being a FAR better driver than I, he never minded driving on slip'n'slide icey roads or charging through unplowed streets (SUV's were MADE for the snow) and he is one of those people that is always too hot so a cold wintery day to him just feels good. I think snow is pretty to look at. Out the window. While I am in dressed in warm clothes, drinking hot cocoa, in front of a roaring fire, on Christmas Day and I don't have to drive anywhere. That's it. Oh, it's also pretty on Christmas Cards, Christmas Movies. and snow globes. But rain? I like the rain. I love the pretty little raindrops clinging to the plants and flowers after the storm and the fresh smell in the air. I love a rattling good thunder storm and the flashes of lightning filling the sky with drama. I always head straight to the beach in a rainstorm because the wildly crashing waves are just too exciting to miss. Very Healthcliff on the Moors. And sometimes I really dig that. Not every day, but once in awhile, yeah. And of course, rainy days just feel cozy. I want to make soup and bread and bake cookies and do puzzles and read books. Well to be fair, I always feel like reading but even more so on a dark rainy day. Of course, anything can be taken too far. Tomorrow is the official first day of Hurricane Season and I've read predictions that range from Above Normal Activity to Below Normal Activity and everything in between. Sooooo, I suppose that means nobody really knows. Everyone is a little hinky about this season having endured scary old Irma last year. So fingers crossed that those Calusa Indian spirits are still looking upon us favourably and protecting us. It's not like anybody has any control over the weather afterall. Meanwhile, it's a beautiful, stunning, gorgeous sunny day today. For a change, I'm going to get out in it!~ Hope your day is a beautiful one too!
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AuthorYup, this is me. Some people said, "Sam, you should write a Blog". "Well, there's a thought", I thought to myself. And so here it is. Archives
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