Hey there ! How is everyone? What's new and exciting? It's been about three weeks now since I've posted and well, it's about doggone time that I started up again, right? This was actually a longer break than I intended. I tried to post last week but it seemed that my blog construction site was down. I assumed it was just a bit of maintainence - it happens. But then I tried again the next day and the next and hmmmm. I mentioned it to Tim and he looked into it for me. He has his ways...... Turns out the construction site is now owned by another company and of course they have their own ways of doing things including the way that folks like me can actually get in and use the process. Dang. Tim was kind enough to figure it all out for me and as of this morning, I'm back! yay! A week later than anticipated but still I'm happy to be here :) Let's catch up! First of all, about the break. As some of you guessed, yes, it was yet another medical leave of absence. I'm ok, healing up from another surgery and very (VERY) slowly finding my way back to myself. It's babysteps but I'm getting there and according to my doctors making great progress. Yay me! Other than that, I suppose not really much happening. Obviously, I'm not hiking right now soooo no photo safari reports will be happening for a bit. BUT it is now officially summer. We crossed over to the hot side! In Florida here that means we have also entered the rainy season. And we have had a good bit of rain. That's fine. I dont' live outside afterall. And all the green growing stuff is singing and dancing with joy! I took a few photos in the gardens between rain bands: Father's Day was last Sunday and it was very low key here in this house as I wasn't up to doing much yet. Poor Tim. He deserves so much better. We decided to just postpone his celebration rather than ignore it. Perhaps this weekend will be a belated Father's Day !! I finally learned how to fix my hair into a bun using a chopstick. I know, I know, not much of a goal but still there it is. Now that my hair is longer I've been looking for ways to style it. And since I dont' have much going on right now, I decided to use this time to explore that. To that end, I've been watching how-to video's for how to work with longer hair especially putting it, easily, into a messy bun, a tidy bun or any updo at all. Perfect for hot summer days. I mean, of course I can ponytail it - and I do. Or braid it and I do that also. But I was looking for variety. I love having options. Lots and Lots of options! So I watch the video's and I try. And I try. And I try. And I fail. And I fail. And I fail. ARGH! They make it look so easy! Alas, I do not have the hair-do gene and I had about given up and then I stumbled across this chopstick bun thingie and voila! It worked! At least it has now been successful twice. And it stays up all day too! Unlike with hair bands or clips which have to be redone over and over. Kind of exciting. On the other hand, the chopstick trick only works sometimes. There are days when the first time I do it it's a big taadaa! There are other days when I can do what I always think is the exact same thing, over and over with no good result. Bah. My hair is so annoying! Except on the days when it turns out perfectly as I wish with no drama. Then I like it. I'm fickle. Still a goal is a goal and I'm tickled to to have at least one more hair option :) Otherwise, I've been reading a LOT which is a delight. Walking a lot and further each day - albeit very very slowly. Think sloth slow. Turtle Slow. Speed of Smell slow (thank you Ron White for that last description). I'm thinking this isn't about speed though, it's about endurance and building it up and THAT I'm absolutely doing. So I guess that's that. The kitties are still adorable and very entertaining. They have been especially sweet to me too. Aren't pets amazing how they instinctively understand, ok Mom needs a little extra purring today and remember to be gentle with her!! And they are. I don't have to tell them, they just know! So that's about it. Joy has been very sweet and coming up every week to either visit with me in the house or take some of those incredibly slow walks with me. Neighbors have brought by
Banana Bread and good wishes. I've gotten lovely cards and texts and emails and phone calls, all of which I hold near and dear to my heart. Especially the funny ones ;) Even when it hurts to laugh! Oh I nearly forgot, two days before surgery, as I was deep into cleaning and doing laundry, the washing machine quit! Just up and quit! How Rude! So I figured, welp, I'll be spending the next day at the laundrymat. Nobody's idea of a fun time. Instead, on that same day of the washer demise, we went to Lowe's and bought a new washer which was delivered very early, the very next day so I was able to catch up on all of the laundry without leaving the house. Proof once again that we live in a wonderful world. I do love the new washer. It wasn't something we planned for but hey, stuff happens. And you gotta roll with it. So that's pretty much all that has been going on here. What's new with you guys? In case you didn't know, I missed you ;) Hugs all 'round
It's time for a Break! I am going to be taking a few weeks off!
Wishing everyone a terrific fortnight. Hope you all stay healthy and happy and most importantly, are having fun! And until we meet here again, Hugs all 'round |
AuthorYup, this is me. Some people said, "Sam, you should write a Blog". "Well, there's a thought", I thought to myself. And so here it is. Archives
February 2025
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