This is unusual for me. Generally, I make a point to choose to write about tralalala things rather than topical, political, current event, news sorts of things the vast majority of the time. Why? Well you have already read about, heard about, watched and discussed the scary stuff ad nauseum. You don't really want or need to read about it from yet another source.` Also I believe strongly in the "balance in the Universe" concept so here in my space, I like to provide a little balance: Funny Stories, photos of pretty things, happy events and quirky random thoughts. The other side of the coin so to speak. But today, I am writing about the thing that everyone is thinking about, talking about, reading about, and if the media is correct, the one thing that we are terrified by - the Corona Virus and any of it's morphed cousins. Why? Because I am noticing that my usual happy countenance is a little dented lately and I attribute it to the constant barrage of fear mongering that surrounds me. Usually I can dust it off and go about my life being smart and cautious without succumbing to negativity of any sort. But I have just about had my fill. In yesterday's newspaper, in just the first section, there were 10 articles about the virus. Three of them on the front page. Articles about how to properly wash your hands. Articles pointing fingers at whose fault this all is. Cruise ship lines be sued by the people quarrantined. Ettiquette questions about cancelling weddings or at least wedding receptions due to the virus. And of course the public outcry for school and other public venues to be closed for the duration. When I tried to go grocery shopping, while there was plenty of food to be had there were enormous sections of the store with empty shelves. Completely empty. Alcohol wipes of course, but also bottles of Isopropyl Alcohol and Witch Hazel (?) were all gone. Hand soap , bleach and Swiffer Pads were all MIA. The paper towels and toilet paper sections were ravaged. We've been hearing about this virus for roughly 3 months now. First in far-away China of course. The first case identified in the US was January 20, 2020. This is March 11th. Nearly three months later and it's still dominating the news. Even over the upcoming Presidential Election and the circus that surrounds that.
I just would like us to keep this in perspective. As of this morning there have been a little more than 1000 cases identified in the US. And sadly, 30 people have died. Any death is a tragic loss. I am not trying to diminish that. But let's think about this a second. There are currently 327.2 million people in the United States of America. 30 people have sadly passed away from this virus. Out of 327.2 million. Let's compare that to just the regular old flu. The one the we are all supposed to get shots for every year. Between October of 2019 and February of 2020 there were 49,000,000 cases of the flu and 52,000 deaths directly related. I don't see the headlines screaming that at us for 3 solid months. And of course I have no crystal ball. I have no idea how long this Corona virus will go on, I have no idea how many folks will get sick or, sadly, how many will lose the battle against it. But I"m pretty sure that preventing our friends and neighbors from buying toilet paper is not the answer. And by the way, to everyone hording hand soap, it's not enough for you to have germ free hands, everyone around you needs to do the same. But if they can't buy any because you now have a life-time supply in your basement, you are still at risk. I'm not suggesting that we should stick our heads in the sand and pretend that it isn't happening. That would be foolish and doesn't change the fact that, apparently, this invisible enemy (the virus itself) it out there lurking. I'm just saying that a little dose of common sense is advisable. Don't allow the media hysteria to think for you. You have a brain of your own. Use it. Use it wisely and use it often. Don't horde products. It's rude, it's inconsiderate and it's ineffective. Buy only what you actually need. (I just cannot imagine where people are storing all this stuff? Do they have an entire unused room in their house that is now just chokablock full?) Don't allow this current topic to dominate your thoughts and your life. There honestly are other things going on in the universe, the world, your countery, your state, your town and your own household that deserve your attention. Do be smart. If you are sick, stay home. Don't pass your germs around. Do be considerate of other people. Do take the normal precautions that you would during any flu type season. Wash your hands, wash them often and thoroughly. Ok I am done lecturing. It's been on my mind. I won't mention it again. I promise.
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AuthorYup, this is me. Some people said, "Sam, you should write a Blog". "Well, there's a thought", I thought to myself. And so here it is. Archives
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