Is Everybody Ready to Play the Latest, Newest, Most Exciting Game Show? Okay! Then let's go play, 'Name That Implement' !!!!! YAYAYAYAYAAYY! I have no idea what the heck this thing is. Do you? I ran across it in a kitchen drawer while searching for something else entirely. I do not remember buying it. I do not remember receiving it as a gift. My best guess is that it came with something else and got tossed in the drawer only to be immediately forgotten. I am positive that I've never used it. Primarily because I have no idea what it's supposed to be used for. A mystery item for sure. But it did get me to wondering how many other unnecessary things are lurking in that particular drawer so yesterday I decided to find out! Our kitchen, while small, is so cleverly composed that we actually have loads of space. Plenty of cabinets and (I just counted) there are 11 drawers. Wow! Eleven Drawers! In fact we have so many drawers that one of them is dedicated solely to drink pods. Yup, the drawer beneath the coffee maker in our house is full of nothing but coffee (and tea) pods. It's very handy. There is the drawers with flatware in it, the drawer that holds placemats, the drawer with barbeque tools, and a nice deep drawer that holds nothing but pot lids. The drawer to the left of the stove has pot holders and hot pads, the one to the immediate right has cooking implements that I use most often. Which is followed by the ones I don't use quite as often followed by two drawers that hold weirdo stuff like the things at the top of the page that I don't know what is and things I rarely use but I'm glad I have when I need. The final drawer (if you are keeping count, is the junk drawer. It is smaller than all of the rest and in a strange spot. The only thing in it are rubber bands, used but still useful twisty ties and other odds and ends such as that.. So yesterday afternoon, I actually pulled everything out of those messy drawers of things I use rarely to really sort it through and see if there was anything I could get rid of. They were an awful mess. As it turns out, while there were some very useful things in there, like the egg slicer and the mandolin, there were also a surprising number of multiples. Like for instance.......tiny spatulas. Why would I ever require this many tiny spatulas? They are not the size of normal, useful spatulas by the way, these are smaller even than the pie server I lumped them in with. The correct answer is, I would not! Dingdingding! I kept one and put the others aside. Another surprise was bottle openers of various sorts. Tim and I do not drink. At all. Ever. We have nothing against it, just we do not. And because we do not drink, there is no liquor in our house, which says to me that honestly, we do not need a wine bottle opener. And yet we seem to have two of them. In addition to several churchkeys. What? How did this happen? Just in case somebody should ever bring a bottle of wine to our house for their own use, we decided to keep one of each and I set the rest aside. The drawers were already looking better :) There were 3 cheese knives, 1 cheese planer and two wire cheese cutters, in those drawers by the way. I happen to be lactose intolerent so I eat very little cheese. Tim enjoys lots of different kinds of cheeses but he doesn't eat it every day. One cheese knife is probably sufficient. Out go the rest. There were a surprising number of odd measuring spoons. They didn't match anything including each other, and not one of them had any indicator on it of what it's measure is! Was it a teaspoon, a half teaspoon, a tablespoon? I suppose I could have taken the time to compare it to other properly marked measuring spoons and then written on each one what is was, but, nope. Gone. And then there was this thing. What on earth is this thing? I believe that, at one time, it was the bottom of a container for fruit, so the watery bit could drain through. Which sounds like a good idea. BUT it does not fit in any container in the entire house. So whatever it went in, we obviously do not have any longer. Out. It. Goes. The biggest question to myself is, when I threw out the thing it originally belonged in, why did I keep this part? Sigh. I am a mystery even to myself.
I continued through heartlessly, mercilessly making decisions on what to keep and what to get rid of. I even dragged poor Tim into the decision making process. And once to help identify something I had no idea what was, which also means I had never used it. Turned out to be an immersion blender. I kept that one. Now that I know I have it, perhaps I will use it? So the drawers are looking one heck of a lot better now which makes me happy. I can find what I am seeking now instead of scrummaging through getting more and more annoyed that the pastry brush or the probe thermometer or the tiny funnel isn't immediately apparent. In fact, I could probably now fit what's left into just one drawer but then the remaining drawer would be empty. Nope. I will, for the moment, leave things as they are. Job well done. Have a Great Weekend!
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AuthorYup, this is me. Some people said, "Sam, you should write a Blog". "Well, there's a thought", I thought to myself. And so here it is. Archives
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