Let it be known throughout the land that this day, October 19th, 2022, shall forever more be known as Florida Autumn! (Just this one particular day. I have no idea what season it will feel like here tomorrow.)
Yes, my friends, for the first time in, well I don't even known how long, I am wearing long pants. I woke up today to temps in the low 50's and here we are at a quarter after 9 am and the thermometer has not yet reached 60. Since it's cloudy and gloomy and grey outside, I do not anticipate that it will get a lot higher. I know, I know, 50 degrees is nothin'. A perfectly comfortable temperature, is what I am told. But this is sunny Florida and we have now lived here for more than six years. I have acclimated. Which means I am accustomed to much warmer weather. Which also means, I am officially chilly. Please do not misunderstand, I'm not complaining. I'm just stating a fact. When the mercury dips into the 50's, it's a wee bit brisk outside. Well actually, since every openable window in the house is currently wide open, it's a bit brisk inside too. Which, of course, does not stop me from having the windows open. It 's way past time to let some of the outside in and freshen up the house. I love giving the house a good airing out. As long as the cooler weather continues, the windows will stay open. And I will be wearing a sweatshirt. And long pants. Not Tim. Nope. He is finally not hot. I won't go so far as to say that he is comfortable because I cannot speak for him, but I know he is enjoying this Autumn day. In fact, he is the one who was flinging open windows bright and early this morning! Okay, I will ask him. Hang on. Ok, the answer is, officially, yes, he is enjoying the weather today. Nice! So we are both enjoying this little change of pace, weather-wise :) The difference is that I am enjoying it while drinking endless cups of hot water and wearing long pants, a long sleeved shirts, a sweat jacket and closed toed shoes with socks. Tim, on the other hand, is still in shorts and a polo shirt and is barefoot. Ah well, different strokes for different folks as they used to say. How long will this Florida Autumn last? No idea. Not a single clue. It could be a day, several days, a week or tomorrow it could be very summery again. It's tricky. We don't have the pretty coloured leaves or naked tree branches that clearly indicate the fall season here. Ok that's not fair. Our trees have coloured leaves. And that colour is green. Year 'round. Green leaves. Nor remotely autumnish. Honestly the pumpkin spice everything and Halloween stuff in the stores is the only real indicator of the season here. I mean other than looking at a calendar. The calendar is pretty clear on it. On the other hand, if we judged what the season one strictly based on what we find in stores, right now could be Halloween, Thanksgiving OR Christmas! So that's not real helpful. And I think it honestly makes a difference where you are. Geographically I mean. Everybody and their Uncle Fred knows what the four seasons are. But I think simply knowing that on September 22 we officially moved from the summer season to the fall season because science says so (and quite honestly, it actually does say so) doesn't mean that the seasons change like flipping a wall switch. When we lived in New England, I remember people from far away saying that they wanted to come and see the beautiful autumn colour where we lived and then asking us, which day that was. Doesn't happen like that, sorry. When we lived in Colorado, despite what the calendar indicated, if you went high enough up into the mountains you would find signs along the road warning you that snow was possible every single day of the year. Here in Florida, the actual real feel summer - the worst of the hot, humid, rainshowery part of the year is actually July through September even though every kid in the US thinks of summer as being June, July and August. It's a funny thing. Sort of like Daylight Savings Time. Oh I will go head and move our clocks forward or backwards as the government has instructed, but the sun doesn't stop being directly overhead at the noon of IT'S determination and not a bureaucracy's. And also my tummy knows when dinner time is no matter what the clock says. It's the same thing with seasons. Today is definitely autumn. The calendar and Mother Nature are in complete agreement today. But I would just like to point out that yesterday, even I was wearing shorts and enjoying the air conditioning. Again, regardless of what season the calendar displays. Talk about making a big deal out of nothing. I must be feeling extra spicy today! Happy Long Pants Day!
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