Late yesterday afternoon, I learned that Sunday, October 14th was National Dessert Day! Wow! If ever there was a day created specifically for me, this was it.
There are a lot of days of note on the calendar. Most of which I do nothing whatsoever to acknowledge such as: National Grouch Day (Today! October 15th) Where I am not one bit grouchy because I prefer to not be. Or perhaps, National Bubble Bath day (January 8th) whereupon I did not take a bubble bath. Not because I don't enjoy them, I do! But our bathtub is a little too shallow to properly enjoy one. Or National No Dirty Dishes Day, May 18th, which only works in my house if we eat out or use paper plates because I am the chief cook and bottle washer. And then there is November 19th which is World Toilet Day! I'm not sure if someone is suggesting that the world IS a toilet? Or the world should celebrate toilets. I'm totally in favour of celebrating indoor plumbing! Woohoo! But I'm not quite sure how one should celebrate that day. But there are other special days that I not only celebrate but look forward to every year. National Dessert Day would absolutely be on that list if I had known about it. But somehow, I had completely missed this one. And because I didn't know about this ahead of time, I was not prepared. I had not made any cookies or a pie or a cake or, well, anything remotely dessert-ish. And in fact, since I came into the information late in the day, I decided to ignore it. Pretend I didn't know. I fought the urge. Fought it, I tell you! In fact, we ate out last night and at the end of a perfectly lovely meal, Tim asked me if I wanted dessert. I considered it and politely declined. Shocking, I know! But then later, I regretted turning down the opportunity. That end-of-day desire for somethign sweet was screaming for attention. I prowled through the pantry. I wanted something sweet. I needed it! Just a little something. I considered digging into the Halloween candy but courageously said no. Once those bags are open, they are empty. As long as I don't start, the halloween candy is safe. There were a few grapes and an apple left in the fruit dish but that just sounded so ordinary. Not celebratory enough. I shrugged and walked out of the kitchen, resumed my seat on the sofa and tried to get intersted in whatever show it was that Tim was watching. It didn't last long. I popped back up and walked back into the kitchen. I checked out the freezer drawer. Maybe I had forgotten about some baked good stashed in there. Nope. Just healthy stuff. Boring. I made my decision. Back in the family room I stood in front of Tim and said, "I made a mistake. I should have ordered a dessert to go." "I know" he said. So just before sunset, we headed to Dairy Queen, Yes the vertitable Queen of Dairies, to properly celebrate this ever so important day of note. Even Tim who generally eschews DQ bought a blizzard. In his case, it probably had more to do with him being miserable with a sore throat and what feels better on a sore throat than soup and/or ice cream, right? In my case, I have a sweet tooth that just screams to be satisfied 24/7. There is never a time that I don't want something sweet. But the end of the day is the always the strongest urge. I chose an oreo blizzard, Tim got a brownie one. They were both delicious and perfectly satisfying. I'm not sure why I always crave sweet thing. I have read multiple times and heard from many different people that I can eliminate those sweets cravings simply by not eating anything sweet for a few weeks and then, magically, the craving will go away. I have tried that. It does not work. At least it doesn't work for me. AND it was a horrible few weeks. Horrible. The sweet doesn't have to be something huge and horrible for me. In fact, generally my end of day sweet is fruit. If it's the day before Grocery Shopping Day and there is no fruit to be had, I could also satisfy my craving with just one butterscotch candy or maybe a peppermint one. A cookie is good too. Or a graham cracker. Jam on a saltine cracker. Dry Cereal if I'm really desperate. And I hate to admit it, but I have broken into a bag of chocolate chips at least once in my life trying to satisfy that sweet itch. Apparently it's typed right on my DNA that sweets are not just yummy, but an essential part of my genetic make up. So I don't fight it anymore. At the end of every day, I eat something sweet. Just one thing. And then I'm happy happy and my cravings are happy and life is good once again. So there you have it. We celebrated National Desserts Day with a trip to Dairy Queen for Blizzards. And on the way back, as we came over the Venice Avenue Bridge, we saw this and we celebrated all over again. A sweet sight while eating a yummy sweet. Perfect end to the day :)
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AuthorYup, this is me. Some people said, "Sam, you should write a Blog". "Well, there's a thought", I thought to myself. And so here it is. Archives
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