I think we both knew what sort of day it was going to be yesterday when we realized that neither of us had really slept the night before. It was an ugly combination of eating a restaurant dinner that did not sit well and was also eaten far too late and a wicked thunder/lightening/rain storm that would not shut up! The storm would seem to fade away, the sound growing softer and more distant and slowly, slowly our little eyelids would begin to droop closed and just as we began to drift off to sleep.....KaBoom! It would crash over head again. Over and Over and Over.
You just know that a day that begins that way is just going to be one of those days. And in all of my very many years on this planet, I have learned that when you are going to have a day like that, you just gotta embrace it. It's going to happen anyway, so just sit back and let it happen. It's not like fighting it is going to change anything, after all, it'll just wear you out. I wasn't being fatalistic, but rather realistic. So when I got shampoo in my eyes during my shower, I was not at all surprised. And when I broke the clasp on the necklace I had planned to wear I just sighed and said, "Yup". When I dropped and therefore spilled an entire glass of water I merely eyeballed it a second and then cleaned it up. When I dropped my mascara wand while putting on make-up leaving an, apparently indelible, black mark on an otherwise pristine white towel I didn't bat an eye. The fact that I woke with a splitting headache that laughed in the face of alleve was totally expected. When I found our daily newspaper completely soaked in an enormous puddle I just threw it away. I didn't even try to rescue it, because I knew it was going to be that sort of day. Thursday is a teaching morning for me so I always try to zoom around in the morning getting a few things done before I head out the door. Usually I time it very well so that I am completely ready and fully prepared to leave at the exact right time. But yesterday, naturally, I did not. And I found myself racing out the door, purse and carrybag of teaching gear thrown over my shoulder, a little later than usual. I frowned at the sky that appeared to be ready to drop another bucketload of rain on us and jumped into the car. No time to walk today even if I wasn't worried about the rain, I was running behind. So of course, yesterday was also the day I could not get my car to start. Because it's such a perfectly normal thing for a car to start when you put the key in and turn, it didn't make sense to me at first. I slowed way down. First I removed the key then put it back in again and turned it one more time. Because, in my stupid head, I must have just not turned the key correctly or something. (?) I even tried a third time because, well I don't know why. Because "3 is the charm"? Well it wasn't the charm or anything else because the car still didn't start. Dang. I grabbed my stuff and ran back into the house and begged Tim to completely interrupt his own train of thought and his own work schedule to drive me to the library, pretty please. There was no way I would get there in time on foot. Even if I put some hustle in my bustle, and the rain held off, it is, at minimum a 20 minute walk and I had less than 10 minutes to get there. Because Tim is a very nice man and he loves me, he grabbed his keys, we jumped in his car and off we went. I offered to "tuck and roll" as he cruised by the library but he very kindly and came to an actual full stop for me. Made it just in the nick of time. Teaching itself went fine. I'm not sure how it could have gone badly unless the tutoring room had been booby-trapped in some way and thank goodness that was not the case. But throughout the class the notifications on my new phone kept going off. And that was when I realized that I do not yet know how to turn those off or down or well anything helpful. So I chose to try to ignore it throughout the class and my student, following my lead, pretended to ignore it as well. Mental note: learn how to turn down or off notifications. I did manage to walk home ahead of the next rainstorm thank goodness. But the humidity was so thick that it was one of those days where it feels like you are trying to breathe underwater. I was sweating buckets, my purse and carrybag felt like they were loaded with anvils and my hair had gone absolutely mad by the time I arrived safely at home. I am not a fan of the month of August. I decided to stay home for the rest of the day where I had at least the illusion of safety. There was quite a list of things I wanted to get done yesterday so I approached each chore, with special care and consideration. Everything I did for the remainder of Thursday I did Very Carefully, Very Tentatively. Chopping vegetables for a salad went in slow-motion so that I wouldn't lop off any fingers because if it was going to happen, it would be on That sort of day. I considered kicking off my shoes to go barefoot and then quickly rethought that idea. If ever there was going to be a day to break a toe or two, it would certainly be today. I did manage to dribble salad dressing on my front of my shirt necessitating a quick change and a pre-soak but comparatively, that's small potatoes. So that's how it went all. day. long. Yup, we have all had Those Kind of Days, but fortunately they pass. And then a whole new better day comes along. Yay! I have this absolutely ridiculous theory that at birth, we are each of us assigned a certain number of bad days. So every time I have one, instead of being annoyed I am encouraged because I have now checked one more bad day off of my list. Makes perfect sense to me. Yeah, I know, I'm a weirdo. Hope Your Weekend doesn't have any of Those Days in it.
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AuthorYup, this is me. Some people said, "Sam, you should write a Blog". "Well, there's a thought", I thought to myself. And so here it is. Archives
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